Service offer



The projects carried out within the PFCA encompass either the entire metabolomic process from the design of the experimental plan to the associated enhancement (including sample preparation, fingerprinting, statistical reprocessing, structural elucidation), or only part of it according to the specificity of the requests expressed by the partners / customers. Users of the platform, whether academic or private, can benefit from the platform's expertise and technological strengths in metabolomic studies applied to the chemical safety of food and the environment. Analytical strategies have also been implemented for the analysis of sub-metabolomic fractions such as lipidomics and steroidomics.



Metabolomic component


Structural analysis

The different technologies available at Laberca are particularly suited to structural elucidation by crossing the information provided by MS / MS, HRMS and isotopic ratios combined with chromatographic separations or isolations, whether for low molecular weight compounds , metabolites or biomarkers of interest. The consultation of external and internal databases makes it possible to make hypotheses of chemical structures.


Structural analysis component 
